Now Enrolling for VPK 25/26 Academic Year with free Early Care and $140.00 per week After Care.
One World Preschools is registered with Broward County, is Apple Accredited, and is a Gold Seal provider of preschool care and education.
One World Preschools está registrado en el Condado de Broward, tiene acreditación de Apple y es un proveedor de Gold Seal de atención y educación preescolar.
One World Preschools Teaching staff can communicate with children and parents in English, Spanish and Creole.
El personal docente de One World Preschools puede comunicarse con los niños y sus padres en Inglés, Español y Criollo.
One World Preschools uses the Learn Every Day Curriculum, as well as following the Reggio Emilia philosophy and elements of the Montessori Curriculum.
One World Preschools utiliza el Currículo Aprenda Todos Los Días, ademas siguendo la filosofía de Reggio Emilia y los elementos del Currículo Montessori.
First opened in 2007, One World Preschools benefits from very experienced staff, a stable and well-qualified Teaching team, and investment in continuous improvements for the children.
Inaugurado en 2007, One World Preschools se beneficia de personal con mucha experiencia, un equipo docente estable y bien calificado, y una inversión en mejoras continuas para los niños.
As parents, you want to give your children the best education along with all the skills a young child should have.
At One World Preschools children thrive in an atmosphere of joy, curiosity, friendship, respect and positive self-esteem. Each child’s individual potential is nurtured and developed through an enriching curriculum.
We pride ourselves in supporting parents and children, and working flexibly and in positive partnerships with families.
We support our parents by offering positive scheduling which includes full time and part time programming full of high quality educational and play activities supervised by our qualified and experienced teachers.
One World Preschools is committed to the values of celebrating and respecting all peoples, families and children of the world, and of providing a warm, nurturing and welcoming environment for play, education and growth.
We are committed to giving your children what they need to prepare them for what lies ahead.
Parents of our past and current classes have a few words to share about our child care and education.