Now Enrolling for VPK 25/26 Academic Year with free Early Care and $140.00 per week After Care.
We believe all children have the potential to flourish, and we aim to provide the safest environment, the most fun, intellectual and creative experiences, and the best learning opportunities, to allow your children’s natural abilities to shine.
Above all, the happiness and wellbeing of your children, and the trust you have placed in us, will always be our paramount focus.
Our objectives are to develop intellectual and creative children by offering diverse experiences that provide for exploration and experimentation, while encouraging physical, social, and emotional growth.
Through our comprehensive educational and social program children will develop skills, attitudes and values that will see them through their lives.
Our school will provide a variety of activities including free-choice and teacher directed, individual and group play, creative and informative situations, participation and observation, indoor and outdoor play, music, art, science, literature, physical education, drama, and cooking.
Our qualified teachers and staff will incorporate into the curriculum activities that reflect individual children’s cultural and family background.